Meadowbrook Waldorf School is an elementary school for children in prekindergarten through grade 8. We also offer parenting and other adult education classes. We are an Independent School licensed by the state of RI, and are a member of the Independent Schools Association of Rhode Island (ISARI). The school has approximately 160 students.
The curriculum includes core academic subjects enriched in all grades with foreign language, practical arts, music, drama, movement and fine arts. Our classes are taught by experienced teachers trained in the international Waldorf curriculum. The school is a voting member of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA).
Our campus has 28 acres of woods, streams, magical glades and enticing hills on Route 138 in Richmond, 3 miles east of I-95 exit 3A. The children play in outdoor playgrounds and each class has a garden plot to care for as well. We enjoy showing off our school so contact us for a tour.
Categories: Education -RI
Rhode Island -Southern
300 Kingstown Road
W. Kingston, RI 02892