A great natural alternative to chemical pest control. I Love Ducks! A South African vineyard employs a flock of 900 ducks to keep its grounds in pristine condition Check out more on the Insider
A kind word is like a spring day
I am very thankful for President Obama and Vice President Biden’s “moonshot” for a cancer cure. We are close and it is very possible the cures will be achieved in the near future. But like the traditional approach to most serious problems, we are always trying to fix the outcome of so many bad actions…
Using a homemade, natural peppermint room spray can bring a fresh, lively holiday scent to your home. I spritz some in my entry halI to greet my guests. I use the spray around all my sofas and cushioned chairs. Hold the spray about two feet away from your stuffed furniture and spritz gently. Do not…
Put two Drops of organic essential oil of peppermint on a cotton ball. Place in a small container to bring along while shopping. Sniff for a quick energy boost while getting a little germ protection at the same time. Peppermint is an energizer as well as an antiviral and antibacterial.
Olive oil is in the news again and it is good news. We know olive oil contains monounsaturated fat which benefits our hearts and helps to keep blood vessels more flexible. Research has shown memory improves with the addition of olive oil to our diet. The good news this week appeared in Journal of the…
Cheese can be healthy if eaten in moderation. Hard cheeses are generally healthier than soft cheeses. Cheese contains a lot of protein, calcium and zinc. A small amount added to salads or any vegetable will help the body absorb the nutrients they contain. Moderation is key! Cheese is notoriously high in sodium but parmesan and…