Helen Brophy

Helen has a BS from the University of Rhode Island with graduate studies in physical science, chemistry, and counseling. For the past 20 yrs. she has studied and advocated a natural all-inclusive, responsible approach to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. Her belief and approach includes obtaining a rich balance encompassing all aspects of life through nutrition, exercise, spiritual and mental development, and responsible environmental habits.

Make a New Friend

”There is no possession more valuable than a good friend.“ -Socrates No man or woman can be considered poor if they have a friend. Friends bring light into our lives and greatly reduce stress. A well balanced life includes friends who will enrich our life experience. Each individual has something special and wonderful to offer.…

The Many Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is healthy and delicious as ginger tea. I previously mentioned that ginger is a good immune booster. Ginger is also great for bringing down a fever* and breaking up congestion. Ginger tea will sooth a sore throat. Taking ginger also quells nausea quickly. *Remember that a fever is usually beneficial. It kills cold and…

Be Happy! Find Your Truth

  “This above all: to thine own self be true and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man” -William Shakespeare Never do anything as a result of peer pressure.  Know what you believe and what is right, then act upon it.  Following a path because…

Superbloom in California Deserts

Record drought in California yielded to heavy rains during the winter of 2016-2017.  The result is a huge wildflower bloom.  This is the first in 12 years and it is taking place in California’s usually arid deserts including Death Valley National park.  The past winter has been the second wettest in California since 1895, this…

Pilgrims and Pumpkins

Native Americans, to be more specific the Wampanoags,  introduced the settlers to the pumpkin berry at one of the early feasts they shared. Pumpkin was a salvation for the remaining settlers after the harsh winter of 1621 when half the pilgrim population perished.  The Native Americans, Wampanaugs, taught the settlers how to plant pumpkin vines between…