Do not use fat free salad dressing. Use a good fat like extra virgin olive oil or grate on a little hard cheese like parmesan or cheddar. We need fat to efficiently absorb carotenoids and other fat-soluble nutrients. Add just enough good fat to make your salad healthier.
Light Weights Make a Difference!
by Helen Brophy
Move your muscles! Lift light weights. Twice a week, for five minutes, will make a difference. Full water bottles can be substituted for light weights. When you lift weights, you will focus on your body’s strength, become stronger, and feel better while reducing stress!
Summer Bean Succotash Salad
by Helen Brophy

This variation of succotash salad is a great accompaniment to a summer fish fry. Cooked al dente, these fresh crisp vegetables are delicious and healthy. Many of the ingredients are now available at your local farmers market. I use organic whenever possible. Ingredients: 2 or more small, preferably yellow zucchini 1 lb mixed beans (…
Freshen Your Air With Lemons
by Helen Brophy

What is more inviting than the scent of fresh air and lemons? Bring both into your home. Open your windows whenever possible to bring the clean air into your home. This will help vent out the harmful substances which may have entered over the winter and stayed. To eliminate odors simmer some lemon slices.…
Baked Onion Rings – They’re Fat Free! [Vegan]
by Helen Brophy
Why You Should Only Buy Organic Strawberries
by Helen Brophy

Strawberries are one of the healthiest foods in existence. We buy fresh organic when available. They are a great source of potassium, vit C, anthocyanins and antioxidants promoting heart health and a stronger immune system also great for your skin. Unfortunately, strawberries are grown with more pesticides than most other crops. Buying organic to avoid…
All Natural Tick Deterrent
by Helen Brophy
Happy Spring
by Helen Brophy
De-stress In Nature
by Helen Brophy

It’s Spring. Everything is fresh. As new life is bursting forth, go out into your natural surroundings. Breath deeply. Pay attention to the sounds and scents around you. You will feel more peaceful, more relaxed and definitely less stressed. I try to spend some time everyday in nature. It is impossible to stay stressed when…